Since 2011 we have been servicing loading and construction machines beside crushers and screens. Our partners help us to be cost effective because they provide service possibility in several places in the country, e.g. in Dabas, Györ, Cegléd, Budapest (in several places), Sopron and Dlegyháza. We work on the most effective way with low travelling costs. As an option we have enough machine to supplement one of broken down, when the repair time is longer.

A reliable partner in difficulties

A damaged machine without a replacement can cause vast loss to the company and mainly to a small company. Our company undertakes also repairing of construction machines as well as servicing crushing and screening machines and loaders.

The short deadlines and urgent tasks are very frequent in the construction and demolition industry. There are no allowed the delays of several days because of a failure or servicing. Our company undertakes not only servicing but also replacement a machine if the reparation ca not be completed within a short time.

If you are also in difficulties please call us that we could help you in the best possible way! You can reach us in several place in Hungary and so we can help you in the shortest time.

When you need servicing of your machines please do not hesitate to contact us in order that the work runs in a smooth and efficient manner!